June 7, 2012
TO: Michael Green, SuperintendentFROM: Asha Riley
RE: Yale Monthly Update
Yale Valley Library District:As the Fort Vancouver Library Bookmobile program closes the YVLD has been exploring options for providing library services in the Yale area. Having met with YLVD board member Kathi Wheeler we have come up with a temporary solution in which Yale school will partner with the YVLD while the YVLD continues to work on a long term solution for the community. By allowing YVLD to use a small portion of the school entry way after hours, patrons in the Yale area will be able to pick up their book holds and order more books locally. The space in the school needed by the library is minimal and this program will be operated by a Librarian and only accessible to the public after school hours. Once a formal facilities use agreement is drafted I will share it with you.
2012 at Yale: Working closely with the team of staff out at Yale has been a true pleasure. The teachers, support staff, and custodian (aka Supt. East) have all worked together tirelessly investing in the students and school community. As a result we have seen some significant improvements in student behavior and academics. The collaboration I observed among the staff and parents was really a pleasure to observe!
As I reflect on our challenges this year I believe we need to address truancy issues. We have a handful of kids that have been chronically truant despite our efforts to convince them and their families that attendance is important. As I've investigated this problem I have come to understand that this is a typical problem in rural schools where there is high poverty, mainly because if students don't make it to the bus stop they are unlikely to come to school at all (either due to gas prices, lack of a car, or lack of parental engagement due to the stress of poverty). I understand Mr. Houk has done some work with families at the Primary school this year and seen improvement in attendance so I plan to meet with him and implement a similar plan at Yale next year.