Pertussis (whooping cough)

Frequently asked questions about pertussis (whooping cough): click here

Pertussis cases in the Woodland School District

Date Confirmed  School
12/04 1 WMS
11/26 1 CES
11/22 1 CES
11/20 1 WMS
11/18 1 WMS
11/15 1 WMS
11/14 1 WMS
11/07 1 WMS

Health Department Pertussis Exposure Notification Letter: click here


All students must have required vaccinations prior to attending their first day of school

All children must be up-to-date on school-required vaccinations, or, by law, they will not be able to attend school. Make sure your school has all required medically-verified documentation on vaccinations or else your student will not be able to attend school.

Emergency medication and medication orders must be provided before their first day of school

If your child has a life-threatening health condition that requires emergency medication to be available during the school day, by law, all emergency medications and signed medication orders must be turned in to your child's school before their first day in order for your child to attend. 



Our nursing staff partners with families and our community to ensure that our students are healthy, safe, and ready to learn.
 Staff is available to assist your child with:

  • Illness
  • Injuries
  • Rest and Recuperation
  • Medication
  • Treatment

If your student has a health condition or concern, please contact your school’s nurse.


If your student needs a medication during the school day, we must first have a signed medication order from the student's licensed health care provider (LHP).  Medications at School 

School Medication Order Form

If your child no longer requires a rescue medication (albuterol, epinephrine, seizure medication) during the school day, their Licensed Healthcare Provider (LHP) will need to fill out a medication discontinuation letter.  Please return this letter to your child’s school nurse.  

Medication Discontinuation Form 

In adherence with our drug free schools policy, the parent or guardian must be the person transporting the medication to and from the school. Once a signed order is on file, and the medication is at the school, the medication may be administered at school. Staff can administer daily/scheduled medications, or medications that are administered as needed (such as Tylenol).

School & Child Care Immunizations Information for Families  


Changes to state immunization rules for schools effective August 1, 2020. Students entering school must be fully immunized (view Department of Health links below) or have a medical, personal, or religious exemption on file that has been signed by a primary care provider (PCP) prior to attending school.

For more information, please view the Washington State DOH webpage regarding immunizations required for school ***here***

HPV & Meningococcal Immunization Information 

When is it best to keep my child at home?

You, as the parent, are the best judge of whether your child is too ill for school.
There are however certain guidelines. Please read and follow this guide. Sending an ill child to school is counterproductive to effective learning and puts other students at risk.

Sick Day Guidelines


Vision and hearing screening is an essential component of preventative health care in the school setting. Washington State law (WAC 246-760) requires schools to conduct auditory and visual screenings of children each year. All students in kindergarten through 3rd grade, 5th, and 7th grade are screened. Any students who meet any of the following criteria are also screened:

  • New to the Woodland School District
  • Students receiving Special Education services
  • Screening requested by parent, guardian, or staff

If your child is not scheduled to be screened this year, you may request a screening by contacting your child’s teacher or your child's school nurse. Please include your child’s name, school, grade, teacher, and any concerns you may have.

Parents who DO NOT want their child screened for either vision and/or hearing will need to sign a form each school year declining the screening. Please contact your school nurse if you have any questions or need the form. 

Evaluation by an eye care or hearing specialist is recommended for students who do not pass their vision or hearing screenings.  If you have any questions regarding the results of your child’s screening, please contact the school nurse at your child’s school.


Head lice can be a problem in the school setting. While head lice can spread, it is not as easy to get as many may believe. Click here for more information from the Cowlitz Co. Health Department.