Acceptable Use Policy Forms are available for staff, students and volunteers. Those who wish to access network resources must first sign this form, stating that all use of the system will be in support of education and research and consistent with the mission of the district.
By signing and returning these you agree that you have read and will abide by the Districts Network policies as outlined on our Policies page.
Microsoft's agreement with K-12 schools allows the use of their Microsoft Office products to be installed on an employee's home machine for work purposes. Please download and read the agreement. If you would like to have a copy of the Office CD, sign the agreement and place the paperwork in the Technology Department mailbox located in the district office.
Microsoft Academic Select
Woodland Public Schools issue fourth through twelfth grade students a one-to-one (1:1) technology device (a Chromebook) as a means to promote growth and achievement, and provide flexible and modern digital learning opportunities.
Responsible Use and Safety AgreementAcuerdo de seguridad y uso responsable de la tecnología
Woodland Public Schools