While some students have few learning challenges, others may need assistance. When a concern about a student is linked to the possibility of a disability a referral to the Special Services Department is made. Any person with a concern about a student may refer the student for testing to determine a disability. For info on referring a student contact the Woodland School District Special Services Department at 360-841-2722.
Each school has a Multidisciplinary Team (MDT) that meets regularly to assess and monitor students' learning needs. In the classroom setting, when a student is a concern the teacher will share those concerns with the MDT. The MDT will discuss the student to see what kind of interventions have been made to assist the student. The MDT may recommend interventions the teacher may try with the student to see if the student will respond. If the student has not responded after a period of time the teacher will meet with the MDT and a referral for testing to determine a disability will be made.
When the student is referred for Special Education Evaluation, the parent/guardian will receive a letter sharing the intent to refer. The parent/guardian will play a large role in the decisions to be made concerning your student. The school psychologist will contact you to set up a meeting to discuss the referral and to decide if an evaluation is appropriate. If an evaluation is decided upon, the parent/guardian will be asked to give written consent allowing an evaluation to be performed.
Once consent is obtained to evaluate, an MDT will evaluate the student based on the student concerns addressed in the referral and at the meetings. The MDT consists of the parent/guardian, school psychologist, general education teacher, and special education teacher who will also serve as the case manager for the student should he/she become eligible for services. Other MDT members may include Speech and Language Pathologist, Occupational Therapist, Physical Therapist and others with knowledge about the student. The parent/guardian can include any team members you wish. Once the evaluation is completed the parent/guardian will be notified of the results.
The MDT will meet to discuss the evaluation results. If the evaluation indicates that the student is eligible for Special Education the team will discuss the student's placement. If the decision is for the student to receive specially designed instruction an Individual Education Plan (IEP) will be written by the case manager. The IEP will detail the special education services your student will receive through the next year and the place where services will be provided. The MDT will meet to discuss the IEP and obtain feedback and signatures approving the IEP. The student will then begin specially designed instruction based on the IEP.
Woodland Public Schools