Woodland School District has three School Psychologists. As team members of the Woodland School District Special Education Department our focus is on helping students and their families recognize and understand different learning styles, learning disabilities, and other handicaps as well as supporting and empowering them in their efforts to become successful advocates.

Our building teams, consisting of a school psychologist, general education teachers, resource teacher, school counselor, Occupational Therapist and speech & language therapist meet regularly to discuss student referrals, students requiring reevaluations, and to problem solve with difficult behavior issues. We work closely with general education staff to ensure that special education students receive appropriate classroom accommodations. Our team also works collaboratively with outside mental health agencies, physicians and hospitals, and the department of social services in exchanging pertinent information and evaluations about our students to better understand and serve their needs.

The team takes each referred student through an extensive referral process to determine if an evaluation is appropriate. Each team member conducts an evaluation in the suspected area of disability, writes a report and collaborates with the team about her/his findings. Parents play an important role in this process as they provide important information about their child's developmental history, medical history, behavioral patterns, and family constellation. Parents are a vital part of the team during the decision making process about their child's special education goals and placement.

Our main focus is to strongly advocate for our special education students so that they become successful and confident students as they go through the Woodland schools system.

Please feel free to contact our School Psychologists for further information:

Rebekah Sauvola Contact form Columbia Elementary School 360-841-2943
Jenna Hickey Contact form North Fork Elementary School 360-841-2780
Elena Groen Contact form Woodland Middle School 360-841-2988
Joe Crawford Contact form Woodland High School 360-841-2836