It is the duty of Woodland Public Schools to keep its students and staff safe. As the Director of Safety, it is my job to plan for emergencies and to provide an accident prevention program which includes staff training in safety and emergency procedures.

Woodland School District provides staff safety orientations, and employees can access various safety and job specific trainings under the online SafeSchools Training Program. Below are the links to the SafeSchools Training site, and the Accident Prevention Program. The Hazardous Communication Program can be found on the Facilities page. Please take time to familiarize yourself with these programs, for the safety of students and staff.

If you have a safety concern or question, please don’t hesitate to contact me at:

Vicky Barnes
Director of Human Resources and Safety
Main: 1-360-841-2702
Contact form

SafeSchools Training

The SafeSchools Training offers many safety courses.

Clock Hours are available for this training. Please see these directions for Clock Hours for SafeSchools courses.

ESD112's Clock Hour Registration Site

Accident Prevention Program

Accident Prevention Program

Includes written plan, required notices, accident forms, record of hazard forms, ESD 112 Safety Talks, Safety Committee info and minutes, and Worker’s Compensation information.

Emergency Preparedness

Safety Corner Newsletters

March 2023