Showing up for school has a huge impact on a student’s academic success starting in kindergarten and continuing through high school. Students should not miss more than 9 days of school each year to stay engaged, successful, and on track for graduation.
Even as children grow older and more independent, families play a key role in making sure students get to school safely every day. Washington State defines chronic absenteeism as eighteen days in a school year. For this reason, if your student has missed more than nine days of school this year, we are now requiring that you provide documentation within three days of your child returning to school.
This ensures that all absences are necessary and in line with our school district policy for approved absences (a note detailing the reason of your child’s absence, signed by a parent/guardian and dated).
If your student is absent more than three days in a row due to illness, a doctor’s note will be required. If your student will be seen by a professional service organization, provide confirmation from that organization of the appointment (including the time of the appointment). If you know in advance that your child will be absent obtain a “pre-arranged absence” form from your child’s school, to be turned in prior to the absence(s). All forms are available at your child’s school or on our website for state compliance.
We want to thank-you for your cooperation in this endeavor and look forward to working alongside you and your student in achieving academic success.
Asha RileySuperintendent
Policy 3122 - Mandatory School Attendance - Excused and Unexcused Absences
If you know in advance that your child will be absent obtain a “pre-arranged absence” form from your child’s school, to be turned in prior to the absence(s). All forms are available at your child’s school or on our website for state compliance.
Pre-Arranged Absence Form
Woodland Public Schools