Woodland School District provides a comprehensive program of educational and related services designed to maximize each student's development of skills to successfully participate within integrated, natural environments in the learning community.
A special education federal regulation (300.212 Public Information) requires that the district "must make available to parents of children with disabilities and to the general public all documents relating to the eligibility of the agency under part B of the Act." Please call 360-841-2722 to obtain a copy of our most currently available IDEA-B application.
Michelle McLaughlin
Administrative Special Services Secretary800 Second Street, Woodland, WA 98674Phone: 360-841-2722 FAX: 360-841-2721Contact form
Jake HallExecutive Director of Learning Supports and Alternatives800 Second Street, Woodland, WA 98674Phone: 360-841-2722FAX: 360-841-2721Contact form
Woodland Public Schools