Doug Nichols will be presenting the Study and Survey of school facilities prepared by Construction Services Group. The board has received an advance copy of the document. The CSG is correcting several edits made by the district and the final document will be posted upon receipt of the corrected document.
Administrative Recommendation: /MOTION/ I move we adopt REsolution 2557 as presented.
Woodland Public School District No. 404
Woodland, Washington
Resolution #2557
Adopting the Study and Survey to be Submitted
to the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of the Woodland School District No. 404 approved the proposed Study and Survey at the public School Board meeting held June 11, 2012.
THEREFORE, be it resolved the Board of Directors of Woodland School District No. 404, Cowlitz County, hereby accepts the Study and Survey as final and the Board authorizes the submission of the Study and Survey to the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction in compliance with Washington Administrative Code Section 392-341-025.
Dated this 11th day of June, 2012
Board of Directors
Attest: ______________________________________
____________________________________ ______________________________________
Secretary to the Board