Thu Sep 23 2021, 6:15pm
Woodland High School Library and Zoom
Regular Meeting


Woodland Middle School Report

To: Michael Green

From: James Johnston

Date: 9/14/21

Re: WMS September 2021 Board Report


Woodland Middle School staff are off and running for the new school year!  The following topics are explained in more detail below:

  • Schedules and Snacks
  • First Week
  • DDPD Days
  • Athletics
  • State Testing

Schedules and Snacks

We had a great turnout for our first ever “Schedules and Snacks” event.  This event replaced our traditional “Lunch and Lockers” event since we did not issue lockers and did not have lunch due to social distancing in the lunchroom.  During this event, students were able to tour the school, meet their teachers, and grab a snack bag.  We appreciated all of the parents and guardians who came to this event to help launch a great school year.

First Weeks of School

The first few weeks of school went incredibly well.  Students were respectful, excited, and following expectations.  It was nice to start out in person even with the obstacles of masks and social distancing.  The staff jumped right in to establish classroom norms and begin lessons.  It is awesome to see students back socializing and being able to see each other without masks when outside.

District Directed Professional Development (DDPD) Days

We had a positive six days during professional development week with staff.  Our focus this fall was on “What Great Teachers Do Differently” (tied to the work of Todd Whitaker out of Indiana State University).  We also spent some time working as professional learning teams to address the following:

  • How do we transition back from heavy reliance on tech while still utilizing it?
  • How do we prepare for recovery this year?

We also spent time collaborating and providing vertical articulation between grade levels and cohorts to identify student progress and needs.


This year the middle school league has expanded to include a “North” and “South” roster.  By having these leagues combine we are able to cut down on travel time and stay within a 40-mile radius for most sports. We have the following number of athletes for each fall sport:

  • Football-39 Athletes 
  • Girls Volleyball-34 Athletes 
  • Boys Golf -11 Athletes 
  • Girls Soccer-12 Athletes 
  • Cross Country-3 Athletes

During outdoor sports, no masks are needed for athletes.  During indoor sports, all coaches, trainers, school officials, and spectators are required to wear masks whether vaccinated or not. Spectators also need to be spaced out.  If players are vaccinated, they will not have to wear a mask during playing time.  If they are not vaccinated, they either have to wear a mask or undergo regular testing.

State Testing

WMS will begin fall state testing the week of October 4th.  The testing occurs during a three-week window during core classes utilizing chrome books.  It will be shorter than in previous years during the fall session.  For SBA Math and English Language Arts, students will take only a Computer Adaptive Test (CAT) and not have a Performance Task (PT). 

The test will take place during core over 1-2 days during the following windows:

  • ELA (10/4-10/8)-The English Language Arts SBA is estimated to take 75 minutes.
  • Math (10/11-10/15)- The Math SBA is estimated to take 60 minutes.
  • Science (10/18-10/22)-WCAS (Science) is estimated to take 45 minutes as there will be fewer questions.