Thu Sep 23 2021, 6:15pm
Woodland High School Library and Zoom
Regular Meeting


Student Representative Report

To: School Board of Directors
From: BrookLynn Donald
Date: September 14, 2021
RE: Student Representative Report

Details in the Report

  • First few weeks of school
  • Athletics
  • Upcoming events: Homecoming
  • Any Questions
First Few Weeks of School

Tuesday, August 31, was the first day of school for students in the high school. The number of students who are now attending Woodland High School has increased greatly, with 706 students compared to the previous amount of students, 617. This year, my peers and I are wearing masks to school, maintaining social distancing, and wiping down equipment at school to help prevent the spread of COVID-19. We are very fortunate this year to be allowed to take our masks off if we are comfortable doing so outside, in the courtyard, during passing periods, during gym class, and lunch. The students this year have a safe environment in our schools, and we, the students, are doing our best to maintain safety. 


Wednesday, September 1, the high school kicked off fall sports with our first event, boys golf. WHS also participated in our first volleyball tournament the following day (Thursday, September 2), and we had our first FNL (Friday Night Lights) event on Friday, September 3, for the Varsity football team. WHS sporting events have been very lively, as we are now able to have a student section for different events. Along with sports, the teams have been handed forms to help ensure WHS students can make it to sporting events in the event KWRL buses can’t make it to pick students up. Students have not yet had to use these forms, as we have found innovative ways to get students to their sporting events; however, the form is there as an extra precaution.


On Monday, October 11, WHS will be able to host a homecoming week this year! This news has made students at school very excited to be more involved and get in tune with school spirit this year. Our theme for homecoming week is going to be “Green and Black is back,” and we will have different dress-up days every day of the week themed _______ is back (For example, one day is themed back to the past). We also will be having Doctor Pearson “hide the W” to promote class unity. On Friday, October 15, WHS is planning on have an FNL event complete with the crowning of the homecoming queen (who will be crowned by previous 2019 Queen Kailey Weist and 2020 Senior Queen Camila Avela). We will also be hosting a homecoming gathering in the courtyard after the game for students. Homecoming is definitely going to be a blast this year!

Any Questions?