Thu Sep 23 2021, 6:15pm
Woodland High School Library and Zoom
Regular Meeting


North Fork Elementary Report

To:  Michael Green, Superintendent
From: Denise Pearl, NFES Principal
Date: September 15, 2021
RE: North Fork Elementary School


  •  We had our first in-person assembly since COVID began. We had a K, 1st, and 2nd assembly and then a 3rd and 4th-grade assembly. Students were socially distanced and followed safety guidelines. It was refreshing to have a normal event again and the students enjoyed the camaraderie. 
  • On September 13th we had our first “Coffee and Conversations” of the year. It was also our first day of kindergarten, so we had a great turnout. Parents had direct questions concerning sufficient lunchtime, pickup, mask-wearing and breaks, quarantining, vaccinations and symptoms. Overall, it was wonderful to meet our new families and be able to answer questions.
  • Our initial reading assessment, Acadience is complete and our intervention groups have been established. Our SOAR groups will begin this week. We were able to provide more time in our master schedule for interventions, doubling up for some of our most vulnerable learners.
  • Students are delighted to be on the playground equipment and not have to wear their masks at recess. Our P.E. teacher is also teaching outside as much as possible to give students another 40 minutes mask free. Overall, the students are doing a great job wearing their masks correctly and consistently.