In early May I attended a job fair with Daryl Rodriguez from KWRL at Clark College to actively recruit substitute bus drivers for our district. Many people stopped by to talk with us concerning the opportunities especially since it could work well for college students who are needing a flexible schedule. After the fair, I worked with Shannon to put an application online to improve our chances of having people apply. It was a successful fair and already we have one person who has applied.
That same week I attended an appreciation luncheon for the drivers at KWRL. Listening to the stories of the drivers who obviously have the heart to be a bright spot in the day of a child was really inspiring.
I also attended a meeting with the BEST group (Beginning Educators Support Team) from our district. The goal of the group is to look at how we bring new employees in and what supports are given to increase their success and increase retention. Each year we improve our processes and use information gathered from surveys of new hires to improve how they are brought into the district. Last year some of the new hires felt overwhelmed with all of the information they learned during NET (New Educator Training) week. To help ease the amount of information given to them at one time I am worked with the business services office to set up meeting times prior to NET week to spread out the way information is communicated.
I continue to work at updating our current certificated employees who have certificates expiring in June. We also have hired several out of state candidates so in the next few months I will be tracking progress on them getting fingerprinted and applying for a Washington state certificate. As we get closer to school starting OSPI can become backlogged so by hiring and communicating early we are more likely to have all the requirements met before school begins.