On the February 17th, Friday Notes to the Board you were provided with information about the recommended update to the KNOW curriculum. Embedded in that document are links to videos. The KNOW Curriculum is currently used by the district for State-mandated instruction. These requirements are also in district policy 2126.
With the 2014 update of the curriculum, there were several updates to the instructional videos. The recommendation of an ad hoc committee is to adopt the new videos for instruction.
Asha Riley will present the recommendation to the board.
Adoption Recommendation: The adoption committee unanimously recommends the adoption of the following videos for use in Woodland Middle School grades 5-8 health program. The committee consisted of middle school staff, parents, and community members. The members reviewed the adoption request, viewed all videos, and provided feedback via a survey. This five-part program developed by experienced health educators and physicians, features captivating animation, a mix of diverse kids, teen hosts plus Peter Richel, MD and Lisa Thornton, MD. Designed to work in co-ed as well as single-gender classes, the program arms students with everything they need to know about the emotional and physical changes of puberty.
(14 Minutes) Designed to be viewed by both male and female students and covers the definition of puberty, the endocrine system, hormones, glands and the changes at puberty that both girls and boys have in common. The development of new body hair, body odor, and good hygiene are also discussed.
(15 Minutes) Focuses on the changes girls experience during puberty and includes a discussion of female reproductive anatomy, hormones in girls, ovulation, and emotional issues. Although designed to be viewed by girls-only groups, the video is also appropriate for gender mixed classes.
(13 Minutes) Focuses on the changes boys experience during puberty including male reproductive anatomy, hormones in boys, spermatogenesis, hygiene and emotional issues. Appropriate for both sexes or for boys-only viewing.
(10 Minutes) Uses age-appropriate language to clearly illustrate how HIV is transmitted. The easy-to-follow animation shows how HIV attacks the immune system and how it eventually can develop into AIDS. Two on-camera physicians answer kids’ questions about AIDS transmission and prevention. Video clearly states that any type of sexual activity with another person is not appropriate at this age.
Committee Members:
Angela Campbell-WMS Admin and 7th Grade Parent Rep
Kelly Beasley-5th-8th Grade Teacher
Emily Swett-7th/8th Grade Teacher and 6th and 8th Grade Parent Rep
Ronda Oathes-7th Grade Teacher and 5th Grade Parent Rep
Brandy Cooney-5th and 8th Grade Parent Rep
Teresa Burns-6th and 8th Grade Parent Rep
Tony Peterson-Community Member
Kent Bellika-Community Member