To: Michael Green
From: Asha Riley
Date: May 17, 2017
Re: Teaching and Learning
State Assessments:
Schools have begun administering the state assessments. Thus far, the technical administration of the online assessments has gone very smoothly. We are grateful to Steve Rippl and his technology team for their support.
Appealing an Assessment Score Required for High School Graduation:
We have seven seniors that are projected to not graduate based on their Biology End of Course exam results. Each has taken the test multiple times and the counselors and school staff have been working to support them. These seniors have passed all other graduation requirements and find this news very discouraging.
In three cases, they missed the passing score by just a few points. In these instances, we have an opportunity to request an appeal and have the test re-scored to verify its accuracy. The guidelines explain that an appeal is only appropriate when an appellant believes a student’s score did not meet standard because of a scoring error (such as incorrect labeling, answer book mistakes, erasure, miscalculation, lightly marked bubbles, or scoring errors on open-ended items). The process for the appeal is as follows:
Because the process can be time-consuming, and the result of the re-scoring are can’t be guaranteed to produce a passing score, we encourage students to retake the test with their peers in May. Whether the re-scoring process is successful or they pass this final opportunity in May, I do not believe we will have results in time for the students to walk at graduation. As you can imagine, this is very disappointing for the students and their parents.