Mon May 22 2017, 5:30pm
District Meeting Room
Regular Meeting


Woodland Intermediate School Report

To: Michael Green
From: Steven Carney
Date: May 22, 2017
RE: Monthly Report Woodland Intermediate School

Habit of the Month:

Last month, students were recognized at a special assembly for their exemplary display of our Habit 5 — Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood.  In other words, Listen Before You Talk.  Students demonstrated their ability to listen to other people’s ideas and feelings, to try to see things from others viewpoints, to listen to others without interrupting, to be confident in voicing their ideas, and to look people in the eyes when talking. The Month of May is focused on Habit 6 -- Synergize, Together is Better.

Lunch Buddy / Mentor Program

On May 1st, 2017 and in partnership with Youth and Family link, United Way, and Woodland Public Schools, Woodland Intermediate School began a Lunch Buddy Program.  Lunch buddies/mentors spend 30-40 minutes once a week helping students grow in their relationships with peers and improve their feelings about their school community. We can already see the benefits.  

SBA - Online Assessment Training

SBAC testing has been going well.  Third grade has completed the Math portion of the assessment.  Starting Monday, May 22nd, 4th-grade students will begin the Math portion of the annual summative assessment testing.  We are so proud of the hard work and the hours students are spending to perform their best.   

Classroom Specific Data Dialogue

During the week of May 18th, all teachers met with school leadership to look at student learning data and discuss student learning and achievement. Over 80% of all students have, and continue to meet, weekly student learning goals as measured by teacher and curriculum developed common assessments. The 20% still need to master the learning continue to participate in an intervention that is provided daily by each grade level team.  

Developing Teacher Leaders

On May 11th and 12th, a lead team of teachers from WIS traveled to Tacoma to learn from presenters and authors at the “Summit 16” Conference.  The conference focused on strategies to support struggling readers. The team of professional educators will continue to serve as lead teachers throughout our building in the area of reading.  As they continue to grow in their knowledge and expertise through practice and professional learning, these teacher leaders will provide leadership, present research and best practices, and provide professional learning opportunities for all staff.