Mon May 22 2017, 5:30pm
District Meeting Room
Regular Meeting


TEAM High School Board Report


To:        Michael Green

From:    Dan Uhlenkott

RE:        TEAM High School Update

Date:     May 22, 2017



We would like to invite you to TEAM High School Graduation on Wednesday, June 7 at 7:00 pm in the Woodland High School Commons.  We plan to graduate about 15 students from our program this year.  


State Testing

State testing is stressful for many students.  As you already know there is a possibility of eliminating some or all tests as a graduation requirement.  We are proceeding forward as if the tests are still required.  Below is the list of the dates for state testing this spring.


May 16-17 – Smarter Balanced Math

May 23-24 – Smarter Balanced English Language Arts

June 6 – End of Course Algebra

June 7 – End of Course Biology

June 8 – End of Course Geometry


Administrator Transition

As you know Jake will take over the role of TEAM High School Principal.  We have discussed the transition where I slowly fade away and he slowly fades in throughout the year.  This one-year transition will be best for students, staff, program and Jake.