Preschool Thanksgiving: Columbia Elementary is home to a very special preschool. Children attend three days a week for either a morning or an afternoon session. This special intervention preschool serves students receiving special education services as well as peers experiencing typical development. Together they discover how to be learners, how to share, and how to become a caring community. It is a truly beautiful setting in which children can thrive.
Patty Morgan is the driving force and teacher behind this well-respected and exemplary program. She leads a team of three dedicated instructional assistants who partner to make every moment an opportunity to teach and build relationships. Every year in November the preschool holds a Thanksgiving feast where family members join the class to celebrate and learn what a preschool day is like. The event this year was delightful and made evident the powerful impact of this program.
Dual Language Conference: Columbia Elementary was fortunate to receive a grant to support the dual language program over the next two years. This follows the grant received last year and has made significant professional learning possible. These funds allowed a team of four to attend the La Cosecha conference in New Mexico. This conference is considered the premier opportunity to learn from the most respected national and international experts in dual language education. The team unanimously agreed that it was one of the best educational conferences attended and much was learned that can be applied immediately to classrooms. The dual language program is going very well and continues to be influenced by the expertise of partners and consultants who support our efforts.
School Improvement Planning: Columbia staff invested significant time and study in determining building school improvement priorities and identifying key strategies to accomplish these goals. The plan is drafted and the work toward achievement is certainly underway. The planning process for this school improvement plan has resulted in significant dedication from all staff to make certain all children make expected growth and achievement gaps are narrowed. The staff is determined in their efforts and children are growing!