These are the topics that will be discussed in the report
CLC Changes
With a new change in quarters, all students were switched into CLCs programs that fit into the student’s career or non-career paths they want to take after high school. This was arranged by pathway surveys we took over the quarter and then a final survey that we picked the top 3 career choices we wanted. Since it’s still new, we are playing by ear, as well as the teachers, to see what will come out of the CLC. The school is as well looking into a program that could be used during CLC.
ASB Topics
Schedule times: During the past ASB meeting I brought how schedule times were mentioned at the school board meeting and how it may be relooked at springtime or the end of the semester. At the meeting, we got a lot of feedback asking if the schedule would change and if there was a way they could voice their opinion to the school board. ASB told them the scheduled time change is still up in the air but if they would like to voice there opinion that they could attend any school board meetings.
Bus Routes: ASB then brought up the topic of bus times to see if the students had any opinions on it. Kaly Weist, ASB Historian, brought up how it now takes her sister a half an hour longer to get home. Some students in the meeting agreed that the bus rides from the school home are much longer now. This also brought up how busses arriving at the high school are most of the time 10-15 minutes late. We are looking into surveying the students to see data about these issues to report back to the school Board.
School information
Food Drive: November 18-22 we had a school-wide Food Drive. This year the food drive was hosted by SkillsUSA instead of ASB. The winning class was rewarded with an ice cream party and the winning graduating class that brought in the most cans got beaver points. As a school, we got brought over 2000 cans!
Winter Sports: Fall sports have all ended and winter sports have begun. November 18-22 was the first official week of sports. This meant tryouts for a majority of the teams or practices starting back up for others.