The following are the key initiatives/items that we have been working on at Woodland Middle School:
Math Curriculum
On September 26th, all of our math teachers had another full day training with Shannon McCaw. She was the creator/author of the SMC curriculum that we have adopted. We were very fortunate to host her at the middle school all day, coaching our teachers. Additionally, she ran sample classes in Zac Harrington’s classroom with some of our sixth graders. We have been pleased with the smooth transition to a new curriculum.
Fall Conferences
We will host our fall conferences from October 30-November 1st. Our late night will be October 30th. We will use an informal conference format where families can choose which teachers to visit. This is a change from last fall due to a new schedule structure and parent feedback that they would like to meet with core teachers, not just their child’s homeroom teacher.
New Awards
We have added some new “school-wide” awards and will begin honoring these students after each quarter is over, during an assembly. The new award structure consists of:
GPA (Principal’s Honor Roll and Academic Achievement)
Attendance (Perfect and Exemplary)
Trojan Achievement Awards
Each teacher will honor one student at their discretion based on the following criteria.
First Report Cards
We will be mailing report cards home after each quarter this year, beginning in November. We heard from multiple people the need for mailed report cards even though we have used Skyward to communicate achievement. We are piloting the benefit of this endeavor. Additionally, we want to improve communication (especially with fifth-grade parents) since we have transitioned away from “proficiency” grading to a more traditional A-F format of grading.
PTSA Run for Your Life fundraiser
We hosted this event again this year on October 12th and it was on our Pink “Breast Cancer Awareness” spirit day. We are thankful for the PTSA and all they do for WMS.