As most of you know, we have had the Financial and Federal Audit happening since 2/1. They are not on-site, but they have kept me busy requesting documents and answering questions. We are also working on a new process for bus driver timesheets and payroll that Steve Rippl has developed and I have been working with Tanya to review and ensure that the system is working as we expected and the reports are correct. With these added responsibilities, I have not had the time to complete the January month-end reconciliation process. I will have January and February ready for the March board meeting.
The enrollment spreadsheets are attached (pages 1-2), with summaries by headcount for September through February and a comparison of budgeted FTE to actual average FTE. Enrollment decreased by 12 students and 11.35= FTE, making the February count 81.07 students below budget. The average FTE is 64.89 students below budget. Districtwide between January 2 and February 1, we had 21 new students enter, 4 students return to the district, 16 status changes (change in FTE, mainly due to the new Running Start quarter), 34 students withdraw, and 14 students who transferred within the district. Jody has also updated the Special Ed counts to average and we are 12.40 students below budget through February (this is an increase in the average of almost 2 students and numbers are increasing each month). I will continue to keep you apprised each month and will let you know how this affects the district projections starting with February financial data in March.
Please let me know if you have any questions.