Family and Community Resource Center
December was a busy, joyous month full of giving in and around our Family Community Resource Center. Our FCRC partnered with Woodland Rotary again this year to help provide gifts and a Christmas dinner to 140 families. Shop with a Cop also provided Christmas gifts for many of our students. Also, thanks to the food drive in Scott & Liz Landrigan’s neighborhood, we were able to assemble 11 “winter break” food boxes full of pasta, sauce, canned meat/beans/veggies/fruit, breakfast supplies, and soup to help families during the two week period without school meals or weekend bags.
The Governor's eviction moratorium was extended until March 31, 2021, which has prevented an immediate loss of housing for at least four of our families. On the other end, this has made it difficult for many displaced families to find housing available as it is not opening up at a helpful rate. We continue to work on these challenges, family by family.
We have used our Federal McKinney-Vento grant funds from the 2019-20 school year to purchase 39 Chromebooks to be distributed to students in need through the FCRC! This year’s Federal McKinney-Vento grant allocation will be used for “hot spots” (internet connectivity) for our students in need.
Currently, as the schools reopen, we are helping families attain health insurance and ensure up-to-date vaccinations for children. We are also planning our annual “Back to School Bash” for the 2021-22 school year! As Gabby puts it, “It’s a blessed kind of busy!”
Highly Capable Program
In January 2021 we delivered the packets to the schools for referrals of students for the Highly Capable program. Teachers and families submitted referrals until February 1, 2021.
The 5th grade Highly Capable group has been working hard designing items in “Tinkercad”, a Computer Aided Drafting program. The students are able to have their designs printed out to physically see what their virtual designs look like in real life.
K-12 Attendance
The OSPI has extended the non-truancy attendance period through March 1, 2021. As a result, the district suspended all truancy notices from going home to families and has adjusted our emphasis to removing barriers for students to actively engage in their school work.
K-12 Health Services
We are pleased to add Taylor Huddleston to our nursing team, bringing us back up to 3 full time nurses. This school year our nurses have flexed where they are working; Kerri Six is working out of Columbia (normally the District Nurse office is at WHS), and Sherri Music is working out of North Fork and WMS (normally Sherri works at WMS). Taylor Huddleston has been working at North Fork and will move to Columbia when WMS goes to hybrid schedule and Sherri moves to WMS fully. I am proud of our talented nursing staff and their professionalism and flexibility!
LAP Program
During January in LAP, we administered the benchmark assessment “Acadience” in Kindergarten through 4th grade. Using this data, we reexamined LAP placements and groupings of students to best meet their instructional needs. We started our new intervention groups and will continue to monitor progress over the next few months.
TEAM High School
Per the data on the OSPI Report Card, the "on time" (4 year) graduation rate for TEAM HS has increased again... to 58.5% of the class of 2020. This is a remarkable increase considering we acquire students over the course of the school year, many in their Junior or Senior year with few HS credits. Also, the percentage of the 5-year rate from the class of 2019 is 57.9%. The "on time" graduation rate for 2020 plus the 2019 and 2018 cohorts, during a pandemic, affirms the work of the TEAM Team and the "can do" attitude they cultivate in our students. I am so proud of the students and staff at TEAM!