Mon Oct 28 2019, 5:30pm
WHS Room 2203
Regular Meeting


Financial/Enrollment Report

To: Michael Green, Superintendent

From: Stacy Brown, Director of Business Services

Subject: Enrollment Report

Date: October 24, 2019

I am getting ready to take a vacation and have been working on the year-end close, which I have just about complete.  I did not want to provide September board reports until I have a chance to get the new software figured out and I can run some meaningful reports and graphs for you.  There are no financial reports, but next month I will be presenting the year-end close and the September and October reports. 

The enrollment spreadsheets are attached, with summaries by headcount for October and a comparison of budgeted FTE to actual average FTE.  We are down 1 head and about 2.5 FTE, decreasing the to date average to just over 17.35 below budget. The first month that we report Running Start is October, so there were a couple of adjustments to WHS FTE, which resulted in the slight decrease.  We had some movement in some grade levels, which resulted in only 1 student less on the headcount. Considering the number of new students that have come through the registrar’s office in the last month, the number surprises me, but I don’t see the withdrawals.  As our demographics have changed over the last few years we have had much more movement each month. I will continue to keep you apprised each month and will let you know how this affects the district projections next month.

Please let me know if you have any questions. 


Attached Files:
Enrollment.pdf application/pdf 178K