The following are the key initiatives/items that are happening at Woodland Middle School:
Walmart Sponsorship
We would like to thank Walmart for their generous donation of $1250 to help sponsor our 6th grade students’ attendance at the JA Biztown field trip. This is a great opportunity for students to have a day-long visit to a simulated town where they have jobs for a chosen company, earn a virtual paycheck, and get to spend their money on a variety of goods and services.
Burgerville Sponsorship
We would like to thank Burgerville for their generous donation of approximately 125 lunches to support our three Trojan Achievement Award luncheons. This is an opportunity each quarter for each teacher to recognize one student at our awards assemblies. These students will receive a T-shirt, certificate, and Burgerville luncheon with the principal.
PTSA Run for Your Life fundraiser
Our PTSA ran an outstanding “runathon” fundraising event again this year on October 11th. It occurred on our Pink “Breast Cancer Awareness” spirit day. We appreciate all of the volunteers and PTSA leadership for their efforts on behalf of our students.
Fall Sports
We had outstanding participation in our fall athletics. The following are the numbers of athletes who competed in each sport:
We are pleased to have approximately 35% of our 7th and 8th graders participate in fall sports.
Movie Night/Dance
We hosted our first movie night and dance of the year on September 27th. We had an outstanding turnout of over 300 students. Our 7th and 8th graders went to the dance in the commons, while our 5th and 6th grade watched “The Secret Life of Pets 2” in the auditorium.