The financial report will have to wait until the end of June. I have been working on payroll and getting Tanya trained and working to process payroll without much help from me. She is doing great, but it still takes quite a bit of my time. I am working on the budget and will present the budget in July and then shoot for approval in August. We have some bargaining sessions scheduled and I would like to have as much information as possible before presenting. I am also waiting for the state to develop a template for the newly required 4-year budget forecast, which will be a part of the presentation.
The enrollment spreadsheets are also (pages 1-1), with summaries by headcount for September through May and a comparison of budgeted FTE to actual average FTE. Enrollment decreased by 13 students and approximately 11.00 FTE, but the average is still almost 50 greater than budget. You will see that LRA accounted for almost half of the decrease. We noted that there were some students who were not making satisfactory progress that needed to be removed from the count. I hope to finish out the year with an average that is close to 50 greater than budget. I will continue to keep you apprised each month and may need to make some adjustments to my budgeted enrollment for next year.
Please let me know if you have any questions.