Tue May 29 2018, 5:30pm
WHS Room 2203
Regular Meeting


Woodland Middle School Report

To: Michael Green

From: James Johnston

Date: 5/16/18

Re: WMS May 2018 Board Report

The following are the key happenings at Woodland Middle School:


All staff walked through WMS to analyze the message that our school sends to patrons.  Each teacher played a role such as businessman, politician, religious leader, parent, student, journalist, etc.  They brought feedback from their perspective to share with the team and it has been compiled for improvement recommendations.  One item that was noted multiple times was that it is hard to distinguish between the two halls (green and yellow) and that the walls were plain.  Scott Landrigan and his team have added a lot of green that matches our Trojan mascot to the 7/8th grade hallway. The feedback from students and staff has been positive and that the hall appears less “institutional”.  Additionally, we have contacted an artist to paint more of our Trojan helmets in the hallways to highlight our mascot.  We will continue with yellow painting in the 5/6th hallway this summer and hope to bring more color and personality to WMS.


  • All students should be forecasted for next year’s electives by now. Some of our new offerings will be Drama, Advanced Robotics, Medical Careers, Project Based Learning, Forensics, and Weights.
  • Next year, our doors to the commons will open at 8:00am. Students will be able to enter the hallways and go to lockers at 8:30am which is 15 minutes later than currently.  Classes will begin at the same time as this year at 8:45am.  This should help us provide additional supervision and limit negative behaviors in the morning.


  • The WMS track team won the district championships for both boys and girls. This is quite an accomplishment.  Our girls’ team defeated the next closest team by 47.5 points.  Our boys’ team won by 10 points. 


  • We have completed our state ELA assessments and begun our math testing. These state assessments will assist us as we forecast and place students in classes next year in our new seven period schedule. Students that meet and/or exceed benchmarks (grade level expectations) earn the opportunity to take additional electives next school year.