Tue May 29 2018, 5:30pm
WHS Room 2203
Regular Meeting


Approval of Mathematics Textbooks for grades 5-8, HS Algebra 1, Algebra 2, and Geometry.

To: Michael Green, Superintendent of Woodland School District

From: Asha Riley

Date: May 23, 2018


Text Adoption Recommendations:

The Middle and High School Math Adoption Committee officially recommends adoption of the following books for use in math classes at the Middle School and High School. The committee of principals, teachers, and parents evaluated both mathematics programs using a rubric recommended for this purpose by OSPI. These textbooks were ranked the highest by the committee.

CPM (Core Connections) Algebra, Geometry, and Algebra II

This program was rewritten especially for the High School Common Core State Standards that were adopted by the State of Washington. Thus, the materials are well aligned. EdReports gave the program high marks for alignment with the standards. Because this textbook is aligned to both content and the standards at the appropriate grade levels, the material ensures continuity of mathematical content across grade levels.

The teacher-authors of CPM Educational Program (CPM) began with the belief that the primary goal of teaching mathematics should be long-term retention of knowledge. If learning does not persist past the end of the chapter or the end of the year, in what sense has the student learned anything useful? So the question became, what are the most effective ways to foster long-term learning? Ultimately, the course design was built around three fundamental principles informed by both theory and practice. Two research papers (http://cpm.org/research-base) summarize all available literature about the three principles. Both papers should be reviewed by those interested in why CPM has developed the lesson pedagogy as it has.

  1. Students learn ideas more deeply when they interact in study teams with classmates to discuss ideas while guided by a knowledgeable teacher (cooperative learning).
  2. Students learn ideas deeply and make connections between mathematical topics when they learn by attacking a wide array of non-routine problems—ideally from the real world--clustered around core ideas (problem-based learning).
  3. Students learn ideas and retain them longer when they are required to engage and re-engage with the ideas for months or even years (mixed, spaced practice).

These principles, derived from research, provided a philosophy of how children learn and how teaching should occur in an ideal classroom.

The book provides structured guidance during class time for the students to explore questions in study teams where they can work together and exploit each other’s insights to gain understanding. Each lesson is designed to help students reach a mathematical objective. CPM teaches students how to employ problem-solving strategies, question, investigate, analyze critically, gather evidence, and communicate rigorous arguments to justify their thinking in every lesson. Thus, they have regular opportunities to learn how to communicate and cooperate with each other, both as individuals and partners in solving mathematical problems. Students can tackle mathematical ideas set in everyday contexts to help them make sense of otherwise abstract principles.

Core Focus SMC

Core Focus on Math is a middle school math curriculum series which spans 6th Grade through Algebra I Common Core State Standards (CCSS). The focus of the program lies in the Critical Areas of the CCSS as well as strategies to build students strengths in the Standards for Mathematical Practice. The program covers the entire span of the Common Core State Standards for grades 5, 6, 7, 8, and Algebra.

The foundation of the program is built on the CCSS Priority Clusters (also known as the Critical Areas) as well as strategies to develop the habits of mind in students articulated in the Standards for Mathematical Practice.

There are three texts per grade level, each focusing on multiple clusters of standards in the Common Core and collectively addressing the complete grade level standards.

The Core Focus on Math series embeds the eight Standards for Mathematical Practice throughout each lesson and text. Two to five Math Practice standards are highlighted in each lesson. In this teacher’s edition, teachers are given tips on how to highlight these Math Practices using the warm-ups, Explores!, examples, exercises, and communication prompts.

Core Focus on Math addresses the three shifts of the Common Core State Standards:

  1. The content in Core Focus on Math focuses on the Priority Clusters in the Common Core State Standards as defined by Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC).
  2. Each book in the Core Focus on Math series connects vertically with standards at each grade level as well as make connections within a grade level with appropriate topics.
  3. Core Focus on Math goes deep into the focus areas by teaching for conceptual understanding, procedural skill/fluency and application.  Students are given opportunities to understand the “why” behind the mathematics, practice for procedural skill and apply the math to appropriate real-world settings.

The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe

The Textbook Adoption Committee would like to recommend adoption of The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe as part of the middle school ELA curriculum.  Staff would like us to use this novel as a supplemental text. The book provides the opportunity for students to analyze character development and write a comparison essay in which they will compare the development of two characters from the novel.


Administrative Recommendation /MOTION/ "I move we approve the adoption of CPM Mathematics, SMC Mathematics, and the novel  The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe for instructional use as proposed."

Attached Files:
Adoption Request Form - CPM.pdf application/pdf 96K
Lion, Witch, Wardrobe form.pdf application/pdf 102K
SMC.pdf application/pdf 118K