Tue May 29 2018, 5:30pm
WHS Room 2203
Regular Meeting


CTE Report

To: Michael Green

From: Paul Huddleston

Date: May 23, 2018

Subject: CTE Report

Here is a glimpse into what’s happening in the CTE programs at WMS and WHS:

Joe Bosch’s horticulture class and garden club have begun planting the community garden. We have 150 tomatoes, 100 cabbages, corn, beets, and carrots. We received five large peach trees as a donation from Lowes. That brings our orchard up to 15 fruit trees. We are planting a Goji berry patch this week.

Nalean Warndahl’s HOSA club has been gearing up for next year. We have been recruiting and practicing skills that will be needed for competition next year.

19 students, Mrs. Novak, and Mr. and Mrs. Miller all traveled to the SkillsUSA State Conference in Yakima. While there, students competed in a variety of competitions ranging from Early Childhood Ed to Culinary, Quiz Bowl, ASL, Prepared Speech, Job Skill Demo and many others.  Students did very well in competitions with two earning State Championships - Nansi Valenzuela won Early Childhood Ed and  Camila Avelar placed second, Leah Riley placed 3rd.  Brooke Schimmel won Restaurant Service as well as $9000 in culinary college scholarships.  Also in Restaurant Service, Katelyn Paulson earned 2nd and $8,000 in college scholarships, Austin Huntsinger took 3rd and won $7,000 in culinary college scholarships.  Many students placed just out of the medals.  Our chapter was honored as the Gold Medal Chapter for the state of Washington and for being chosen as one of the 24 Models of Excellence Chapters for the Nation.  Two students, Brooke Schimmel and Daphne Mendoza will be traveling to Nationals as the Model of Excellence recipients and will be honored on stage in front of over 16,000 people. They will compete for the National Championship. They will also take part in activities throughout Nationals including television interviews, meetings with business partners and a dinner in their honor at the Kentucky Derby Museum. Also traveling to Nationals will be Katelyn Paulson for Restaurant Service and Nansi Valenzuela for Early Childhood Ed. Only the state champion in each competition advances. Wishing all four young ladies luck in Kentucky.

Mary Ellen Vetter’s FFA program attended the State FFA Convention at WSU, Pullman. The FFA" End of the year BBQ: is planned for June 1. They are already studying/preparing to compete at the National FFA Convention in Indiana in the Floriculture Career Development Event.

Here is an update from Rose Ruff’s classes: Publications: Students in publications have worked hard all year to complete the yearbook and can now say that it has been submitted to press! Students are now working on the supplement pages that will show state sports events, bring attention to 2 and 3 sports athletes, prom and graduation. They are also putting together a special Senior Edition newspaper geared specifically to highlight the class of 2018.

Web Design I: All semester students have been developing a prototype web application geared towards a real target market. They have successfully implemented HTML and CSS coding and have been working on JavaScript the last couple of weeks. We will be wrapping up the JavaScrpt unit, and students will be presenting their status presentations to inform the rest of the class what they have accomplished thus far.

On April 19th, a group of students from Mike Lindsay’s Intro to computer science class traveled up to the Microsoft campus to attend the TEALS computer science fair. Students were able to visit booths sponsored by a number of tech companies and colleges as well as listen to experts in the field talk about a variety of topics during breakout sessions. Here are a few pictures from their day:




Wayne Miller’s automotive class has been working on a student project of removing and replacing an engine and transmission from one truck to another. Also, they switched truck beds, hoods, doors, front end, and other various parts. Students have also been taking engines apart cleaning them and getting them ready for a rebuild. Welding students have been working on two different rolling frames for our shop engines, designing and making front and rear bumpers for trucks, and designing half doors.

For the rest of this quarter, Britt Jud’s CTE classes will be continuing to build upon the foundations of programming from the first quarter. Students are building toward making their robots aware of the surroundings by installing sensors to help the robot follow algorithms to solve the given challenges without intervention by the builder. The animation class is building towards making programs that will play out games or stories that interact with the users to control the action.