Date: October 1, 2014
To: Michael Z. Green, Superintendent
From: Cari Thomson, PhD
RE: Summary of Teaching and Learning - CCTE
I attended the WAVA Summer conference in Yakima in August to learn more about alternative CTE certification and Carl Perkins allocations. I will be attending the fall conference in Richland in October as well.
Jennifer Cullison is the recipient of a high needs grant for her new medical science program. She has been allocated $12,000 from OSPI for start-up funding. Woodland High School now has a health occupations program as well as a biomedical program. Jennifer and I will be going to Clark College to work on articulation on October 3rd.
Mary Ellen Vetter was voted best support CTE teacher at the agricultural educators conference this summer. Mary Ellen was recognized for her mentorship ability by her state association.
Tim Brown is sporting the district’s first 3-dimesnional printer. It is pretty amazing and students have already designed a balloon operated car and an ornament. It is pretty amazing to see in action.
Lauren Cockrell is working on her STEM certification and Heidi Rhodes is facilitating a STEM cadre at the middle level to encourage more females in the STEM arena.