To: Michael Green
From: Dan Uhlenkott
RE: TEAM High School Update
Date: February 10, 2014
On January 9 Stacy, Tia and I met with the auditors at OSPI. They questioned why the original auditors did not accept our documentation on the Written Student Learning Plans. We presented our case with bins of documentation. After several hours we were given an assignment to document the progress of ten students throughout the audited years. We gathered this information and submitted it. We are awaiting the results.
On January 17 I attended the Washington Association of Learning Alternatives Administrator’s Conference held at OSPI. There we learned that alternative schools with fewer than 100 students will be audited annually offsite but may conduct an onsite audit if necessary. Teachers must be Highly Qualified in the subject areas if there is direct instruction or develop the Written Student Learning Plan. Boundary Exceptions will be electronic shortly as soon as the state develops the forms. Boundary Exceptions will be discussed this month in a webinar sponsored by OSPI.
Students who have completed Biology, Algebra or Geometry courses but who have not passed the corresponding state assessment will be tested the first week in February. The Reading and Writing HSPE’s will be administered the middle of March so Jim is working with students separately to help them pass these two state assessments.