Mon Feb 10 2014, 5:00pm
District Meeting Room
Regular Meeting


Board Self-Assessment Survey Options

At the most recent board retreat the board self-evaluated using the survey found in policy 1820F.   At the retreat the board expressed some interest in exploring different options.   I thought it appropriate to present some options while the issue is fresh in director's minds.  I have found two that the board may wish to consider as modificaitons to the current form in policy.


1)  A survey from the book Effective School Boards by Eugene Smoley, Jr

2) An online survey developed by WSSDA.   That produces a very nice report for discussion.


Other options may be available.



Attached Files:
OnlineBoardSelfAssessment.pdf application/pdf 476K
School Baord Questionaire.pdf application/pdf 439K
WSSDA SelfAssessmentReportSample.pdf application/pdf 261K