Gary Stuart, Chief of the Cowlitz/Skamania Fire District #7, has requested that the district remove trees from the property that the district leases to them. These trees are considered a hazard that could cause damage to the fire station in the event of of an earthquake, fire, windstorm, or other natural disaster. Such could impede the ability of the department to respond following such an event.
Gary will be available to discuss this with the board and answer any questions.
Gary has done all of the necessary paperwork, applications, and sought bid/quotes from seven different loggers. Of the seven companies two bids were received. The best was by Chilton Logging, who would give 60% of the timber revenues to the district.
The trees to be removed are those clouded in red in the image below.
Administrative Recommendation: /MOTION/ " I Move we accept the bid of Chilton Logging and Direct the Superintendent to have the identified trees removed."