Mon May 13 2013, 6:00pm
District Meeting Room Portable
Regular Meeting


Director of Learning Report

Instruction, Curriculum, Assessment

Asha Riley, Director of Learning

April Update

May 7, 2013


TO:      Michael Green, Superintendent

FROM: Asha Riley


Director of Learning:

State Testing in Grades 3-8: The state Measure of Student Progress is going much more smoothly this year. We haven’t had any test irregularities thus far!

National Boards: We presently have 10 candidates wrapping up their submissions this month. They have worked countless hours with the support of our cohort leaders Holly Royle and Shari Conditt. I am proud of their level of commitment and hard work in the process and eagerly await results that will come next fall.  In the meantime I have notified the state of our formal cohort and we are now officially a state partner (see attached notification).

New Teacher Evaluation: We recently met with all the teachers participating in the new evaluation next year. We shared the purpose of the new evaluation and information about the process. We provided updated information and shared the new link on our district website where they are find up to date information as we move forward. I pleased that the transition is being received so positively by staff. We are now planning two days of training on the new evaluation process and it’s rubric.



Attached Files:
National Board State Partner.pdf application/pdf 189K