Mon May 13 2013, 6:00pm
District Meeting Room Portable
Regular Meeting


Special Services Report

To:  Michael Green

Re:  March Monthly Special Services Report

From:  Deb Kernen

Date:  April 29, 2013


This month the Partners In Transition program had a couple events that I wanted to let you know about.  On April 10th, National Arbor Day, our young adults and staff joined the Mayor Lasake and city crew in planting a Fuji apple tree donated by Tsugawa’s Nursery in the backyard of the PIT house.  The students learned all about Arbor Day, what a proclamation is and how to care for a newly planted tree. 

Our students also took a field trip to Klineline Park for a fishing derby and community organized activity day.  Students took part in archery lessons, built wooden tool boxes and visited a variety of community based informational booths.  Students caught trout which they brought back, cleaned and prepared 3 different ways:  poached, BBQ and fried.