Mon Feb 13 2012, 6:00pm
District Meeting Room
Regular Meeting


Resolution No. 2554-2011 - 2013 Energy Operational Savings Project Grants

2011 - 2013 Energy Operational Savings Project Grants

Woodland, WA
Resolution #2554

WHEREAS, the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) has announced the availability of $20 million in grant funds for energy operational savings projects;

WHEREAS, a condition of the grant award is to complete an Investment Grade Audit before applying for the grant;

WHEREAS, OSPI requires districts who are interested in applying for an energy grant to declare their intention to proceed with a project if awarded a grant;

WHEREAS, OSPI requests districts to submit the "predetermined cost effectiveness" criteria to OSPI along with a letter of intent;

Cost effectiveness will be based on the total bundle of measures included in the energy services proposal, less estimated utility incentives and other grants.

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Directors (Board) of Woodland School District intends to comply with all OSPI requirements, conditions, and requests as set forth above.

by the Board of Directors of Woodland School District, Cowlitz County, Washington, in a meeting thereof held on February 13, 2012.


Attest: _______________________
           Secretary, Board of Directors  

           Board President



