January was a very important month for professional growth at Woodland Intermediate School. Each of our three opportunities for professional growth in January was aligned with and directed by our Title 1 Schoolwide Plan. The focus of our three days was as follows:
January 9th:
SWP Reading Action #1- Distribute state generated MSP reading data to staff.
SWP Reading Action #2- Analyzing MSP reading data in grade level teams and as individuals. Make adjustments to instruction as determined by trends in the reading data.
January 23rd:
SWP Math Action #3- Analyze common math assessment data.
January 30th (Full day)-
SWP Math Action #3- Analyze common math assessment data. Make adjustments to instruction as determined by trends in the math data.
SWP Reading Action #3- Develop end of selection reading assessments which more directly measure targeted standards than current questions. This requires grade level teams to revise more than 90 reading assessments. We have a great start on this action. It will most likely be completed during the 2012/2013 school year.
One of the most important aspects of our Schoolwide Plan is our reading and math goals. Each reading and math goal has specific actions designed to assist in obtaining our goals. Being our second year as a Schoolwide Title 1 school and in the second year of our Schoolwide Plan directing our professional focus we have gathered important momentum and are starting to hit our stride. Dedicating as much of our professional learning time and efforts as possible to our plan, goals and actions while keeping this important work in the forefront is a priority for us. We look forward to next year at this time as we hope to start seeing the benefits of this hard work.
In the first half of this year we have completed:
SWP Math Action #1- Distribute state generated MSP data to staff.
SWP Math action #2- Analyzing MSP math data. Make adjustments to instruction as determined by trends in the math data.
SWP Math Action #3- Reviewing spring of 2011 common math assessment scores. Rather than spending the first month of school to determine the levels of our students using the scores from the previous school year lets us start the year with this knowledge. Make adjustments to instruction as determined by trends in the previous year's math data.
SWP Math Action #3- Analyze common math assessment #1 data. Make adjustments to instruction as determined by trends in the math data.
SWP Math Action #3- Analyze common math assessment #2 data. Make adjustments to instruction as determined by trends in the math data.
SWP Math Action #4- Further align mathematics scope and sequence including assessments with state standards at each grade level.
12/2/11- The 6th grade team dedicated a full day to this activity.
12/14/11- The 4th grade team dedicated a full day to this activity.
2/2/12- The 4th grade team dedicated a half day to this activity.
SWP Reading Action #1- Distributing state generated reading data to staff.
SWP Reading Action #2- Analyzing state generated reading data. Make adjustments to instruction as determined by trends in the reading data.
SWP Reading action #3- Develop end of selection assessment questions which more directly measure targeted standards than current questions. This requires grade level teams to revise more than 90 reading assessments. We have a great start on this action. It will most likely be completed during the 2012/2013 school year.