Mon Feb 13 2012, 6:00pm
District Meeting Room
Regular Meeting


WMS Report

Date:              1/29/12

To:                  Michael Green, Superintendent

From:            Cari Thomson

RE:                   WMS Summary of Teaching and Learning - January     

Happy New Year from Woodland Middle School!

Professional development on the Mondays in January at WMS involved a presentation and proposal from our Supportive and Caring Community group in our school improvement plan.  These teachers presented plans for our first TAP (Trojan achievement program) field trip in the spring.  This is based upon our book study last year, "Schools Where Everyone Belongs." 

Our Lego Robotics Team (Seabots) received first place in innovative solution for the food preservation research project.  Intel and OSU sponsors First LEGO League competitions every year because they feel it stimulates interest in math and science careers. 

We are currently working on forecasting at WMS for the 2012-2013 school year.  We have updated our curriculum handbook, revamped some elective and core offerings, and are working on plans to tie into spring student-led conferences.

On the CTE side of my job, I am happy to announce that both AP Biology and Anatomy and Physiology have been approved for CTE credit by the state.  Jennifer Cullison will begin her certification program in February through the Clark County Skills Center.  WHS will now have a new CTSO, HOSA (Health Occupations Students of America).

Additionally, Woodland hosted its first CTE Directors' meeting in ages.  Kim Miller and her classes prepared the meal and Mary Ellen Vetter and her students provided the flower.  Attached are some pictures.  It was a great event that really showcased our teachers' and students' talents.



Attached Files:
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CTE meeting-2.jpg image/jpeg 3B