Thu Mar 14 2024, 6:30pm
WHS Room 1204
Regular Meeting


Columbia Elementary Report

To:  Michael Green, Superintendent

From: David Starkey, CES Principal

Date: March 7, 2024

RE: Columbia Elementary Board Report

School Improvement Focus:

As mentioned last month, absenteeism has continued to be a focus all year for Columbia Elementary. Our partnership with families, with the help of our school and district liaisons, has been making a positive impact, but we are continuing an uphill climb. We do not want to lose sight of this focus, but we want to ensure we are focusing on other aspects as well. Math improvement has also been a large focus for Columbia this year. As a school, we have partnered with Molly Daley, the ESD 112 math coordinator. After staff reflection, Molly's focus has been to help target problem-solving and the mathematical practices needed for tackling those problems. It's been a beneficial collaboration, and I look forward to seeing the positive impacts it will have.

Columbia Recognition- Success Story:

There have been many amazing things going on at CES. The Principal's Reading Club Challenge has continued to be a huge hit! 109 students got the opportunity to tape Mr. Starkey and Teacher Kel to the wall for turning in at least one PRC reading sheet. Currently, CES students have read 13,925 books this year, equating to 348,125 pages. We also had our very first Mystery Reader week, during which students had to guess what staff member was reading them the daily story! 

Additionally, CES has also spent a lot of time celebrating the hard work of its students. This last month, we were able to deliver 34 growth awards, acknowledging the students who have made the most growth in reading and math this year. We also celebrated our students who received passing scores on their spring SBA. Students were acknowledged in a special awards ceremony where we invited families to see their students earn medals and participate in an ice cream social afterward. 

Finally, the data. Columbia has had a strong focus on reaching our bubble kids at the primary level. These are the students who are close to grade level in identified areas but who could easily lose ground without intensive focus. 

Kindergarten - 6/8 identified students have met the end-of-year goal. 

1st Grade - 6/7 identified students have met the end-of-year goal or are on target to meet their identified goal.

2nd Grade - 9/12 identified students have met the end-of-year goal or are on target to meet their identified goal.

We are excited to see what the last trimester will bring these students! 

Upcoming Events at Columbia Elementary:

March 19th- Family Night (Bingo for Books)

March 22nd- PTSA Walk-A-Thon

March 25th- Monthly PBIS Assembly

March 26th- 29th- Parent-Teacher Conferences

March 26th- NED Show Assembly

April 1st-5th- Spring Break