Thu Oct 27 2022, 6:15pm
WHS Room 1204
Regular Meeting


Financial and Enrollment Report

To: Michael Green, Superintendent

From: Stacy Brown, Director of Business Services

Date: October 21, 2022

Subject: September Financial/September Enrollment Report

I am working on the year-end close and there are so many adjustments that affect September, that I don’t want to present the September financials until I have the year closed out.  I will present September and October in November.

I do want to note that you will see a resolution for approval at this meeting to transfer funds from the General Fund to the Capital Projects Fund.  HVAC projects are an eligible use of ESSER funds and ultimately the expenditures and revenues belong in the Capital Projects Fund.  Unfortunately, CPF does not have the cash flow (Federal allocations are on a reimbursement basis) and OSPI doesn’t have a way to allocate the funds claimed to the Capital Projects Fund.  For these reasons, all of the expenditures and revenues for the projects are included in the General Fund.  In order to move the funds, the board will need to adopt a resolution so the County Treasurer can transfer these funds from the General Fund to the CPF.  We have spent just over $374,000 on the HVAC projects.


The first enrollment document (page 1) is a summary by headcount for October, with a comparison to September. The counts by grade level include the Yale, LRA, and TEAM High numbers (all totals for the district).  The section below shows the total October headcount for those buildings compared with the previous month's headcount.  Overall, we are now up 16 students from September and a total of 76 students from last June.  

The second enrollment document (page 2) shows a comparison of average FTE compared to budgeted FTE.  Funding is based on FTE (not headcount) so this is an important document.  Funding is based on our average annual FTE (which includes September and October at this time).  For October we are 57.37 over budget and the average for the 2 months is 51.09 over budget.  I will be running estimates each month to determine how enrollment affects our revenues.  You will also see the Special Education enrollment numbers and how they compare to the budget.  The Special Education enrollment average is figured from October through May.  The numbers you see here are for October only and we should see the average increase over the next few months as students are assessed and qualified. I will continue to keep you apprised each month and will let you know how this affects the district projections starting with data in November.

Please let me know if you have any questions. 

Attached Files:
Enrollment Pg 1.pdf application/pdf 33.2K
Enrollment Pg 2.pdf application/pdf 49.3K