Thu Mar 10 2022, 6:15pm
WHS Library and Zoom
Regular Meeting


Second Reading and Approval of Policies 2161, 3240, 3241, 5400, 5410, 6220, and 6600

These policies are unchanged from the first reading and presented for second reading and approval.


This is a WSSDA recommended policy update. 

This past September, OSPI revised the special education rules in a number of important areas. Of particular note, the revisions clarify existing requirements that highlight inclusionary practices, family engagement, and effective supports for students receiving special education services. Additionally, the revisions reflect recently enacted federal and state laws. Portions of these rules became effective on October 15, 2021, and portions become effective January 1, 2022. Please note: this article highlights some key takeaways regarding the revised special education rules, but cannot and does not mention or discuss all of the revisions; a complete account of all revisions to the special education rules is available on OSPI’s website.

In response to OSPI’s updated rules, and to support your district in its progress toward building inclusive learning environments, WSSDA has revised Model Policy and Procedure 2161/2161P– Special education and Related Services for Eligible Students. This is an essential policy.



This procedure has been updated to reflect the input of the board at first reading.

3241 Discipline for Student Misconduct


These updates are recommended by the School Board's attorney, Parker Howell.

In the summer of 2019, the board adopted revisions to these policies on Mr. Howell's recommendation.   In the summer of 2021, the board adopted, at the superintendent's recommendation, modifications based on WSSDA update recommendations. In a recent review of these policies, Mr. Howell recommended the board consider revision to the 2019 versions.


This is a WSSDA recommended update.  

Earlier this fall, Governor Inslee issued Proclamation 21.14, requiring K-12 staff to be vaccinated against COVID-19 or obtain a medical or religious exemption. In Oc- tober, WSSDA revised three model policies to help school districts respond to the various scenarios they might face as they implemented the proclamation. These revisions included updating Model Policy 5400 – Personnel Leaves to provide an option for districts that might wish to use unpaid leave to respond to an employee who refuses to comply with the vaccine requirement.

At that time, the legal consensus was that the Office of the Superintendent for Public Instruction (OSPI) would likely find this approach to be acceptable. However, OSPI has now determined that indefinite unpaid leave is not authorized under the proclamation, and that unpaid leave is an acceptable response only in circumstances where employees were in the process of completing their CO- VID-19 vaccinations but could not complete that process by October 18, 2021, or where employees were in the process of obtaining approval for their exemption/accommodation but had not yet completed that process.

Upon learning of OSPI’s determination, WSSDA has further tailored the revisions to this policy to ensure school districts’ use is in compliance. Please note that school districts need to work with their own attorney and review collective bargaining agreements and other possible specific circumstances before implementing a response using either a nondisciplinary dismissal or an unpaid leave approach.


This is a WSSDA recommended update.

In the 2021 legislative session House Bill (HB) 1016 – Juneteenth – Legal Holiday became law and beginning this June  Juneteenth as a legal state holiday.  Juneteenth is celebrated on June 19 as a day of remembrance for June 19, 1865, when news finally reached African slaves in Galveston, Texas, that the Civil War had ended and that all enslaved persons were now released from the bondage of slavery. This occurred two and a half years after President Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation and two months after the end of the Civil War.   

HB 1016 failed to include public schools in the holiday.   This was apparently an error.  The legislature is currently in the process of correcting the error with SHB 1617 which passed the house on a bipartisan 88 to 8 vote.  The bill is fully expected to pass the Senate by a similar margin and become law in the coming weeks.

The WSSDA recommendation did not include the parenthetical statement that it becomes effective in 2023.   SHB 1617 states that the law becomes effective on July 1, 2022, thus this will not be a school holiday in 2022.  This has been added for clarification and will be administratively modified at a later date to remove this statement. 

6220 Bid or Request for Proposal Requirements

This is a WSSDA recommended update. 

WSSDA has revised this policy to add language providing for conducting a cost or price analysis. The revisions also address interlocal cooperative agreements. Other revisions serve to clarify self-certification options.

6600 Transportation

This policy revision is locally developed and aligns policy with current practice. 

Administrative Recommendation /MOTION/ I move we approve the policies as presented"

Attached Files:
2161.pdf application/pdf 85.2K
3240.pdf application/pdf 85.2K
3240P.pdf application/pdf 150.8K
3241.pdf application/pdf 116.8K
3241P.pdf application/pdf 201.6K
5400.pdf application/pdf 109.7K
5410.pdf application/pdf 78.8K
6220.pdf application/pdf 120.9K
6600.pdf application/pdf 102.2K