Thu Dec 16 2021, 6:15pm
WHS Library (Also Available via Zoom)
Regular Meeting


Yale Elementary Report

To: Michael Green

From: Malinda Huddleston

Date: December 6, 2021

RE: Yale Elementary Report

Yale students are having a wonderful time preparing for their Virtual Christmas program! It is so much fun to watch our students experience the same opportunities as our other K-4 students. Linda Morris is doing an incredible job teaching a music class each week. 

Our 3rd and 4th-grade students will begin to experience focused interim assessments. These are provided by the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium. They serve multiple purposes including: 

  • Used as scaffolded instruction
  • Used for an assessment with feedback
  • Help teachers understand the rigor of a standard

Once a teacher has given a Focused Interim Assessment they have access to a “playlist of lessons” aligned to the standard. These lessons serve multiple purposes:

  • Support Students: Use performance progressions to identify where students are at in their learning process and how they can progress to the next level.
  • Dive Deeper Into the Content: Review grade-level knowledge and skill expectations for students within a specific block of content.
  • Plan Instruction: Use students' performance data to inform and plan instructional next steps. 
  • Take Action: Access teacher-created instructional resources to support student learning. 

Just like many of our students in Woodland, some of our Yale students exhibit below grade level skills. We are working to firm up missing skills and help students achieve as much as we possibly can this year.