To: Michael Green
From: James Johnston
CC: Woodland School Board
Date: 12/06/21
Re: WMS December 2021 Board Report
The following are the key happenings at Woodland Middle School:
Biztown Field Trip
Our 6th graders will once again be able to attend the Biztown field trip in SE Portland on January 19th. Kids will have the opportunity to serve as Mayors, CEO’s, Construction Workers, Salespersons, and a variety of other jobs. This is a culmination of classroom learning in our Personal Finance/Citizenship class.
Winter Sports
It is hard to believe that we are winding down our winter sports seasons. We had positive participation with 42 girls playing basketball and 34 athletes (co-ed) participating in wrestling.
Food Drive
WMS recently completed the Thanksgiving food drive in collaboration with the Rotary Club. We are excited to announce that our students brought in over 1100 pounds of food for the needy.
Door Decorating
We have begun the holiday door decorating competition hosted by our leadership classes. This is a great opportunity for students to get in the spirit of the season and welcome Santa to WMS.
Fall Conferences
We are happy to announce that approximately 70% of our families attended our remote conferences this fall.
We would like to extend our gratitude to our PTSA for supporting a “no fundraising” fundraiser raising money to support WMS. They also sponsored a donut and pizza party for the class winners.