Mon Jun 24 2019, 5:30pm
WHS Room 2203
Regular Meeting


Approval of 2019-2020 Student Meal Prices & Nutrition Service Highlights

Laura Perry from Nutrition Services will present highlights and a recap for the year. Attached is the presentation is pdf and pptx.

The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) requires all local education agencies (LEA) to calculate their weighted average paid lunch price using the Paid Lunch Equity (PLE) Tool.  If the weighted average paid lunch price for 2019-20 is at least $3.00, then no further action is required.  All LEAs must keep a copy of their PLE calculations (either electronic or paper) on file.  Ensuring that all LEAs have made this calculation will be part of administrative reviews conducted by OSPI.

If the weighted average paid lunch price is less than $3.00, then there are three options to meet the PLE requirement:

Increase the price charged for paid lunches - this is the option we are using. We have increased princes in $.05 to $.10 increments the past few years are we are falling further behind (now being $.33 behind the required rate. The proposed increase of $.20 at all levels will bring us closer to the requirement. With this increase, we are still lower than all but 2 of the Clark and Cowlitz districts near us.

Contribute non-Federal funds to the food service account.

Choose a combination of increasing paid lunch prices and contributing non-Federal funds.

Using the PLE Tool:

Lunch Prices

Paid Meals

Meal Prices

Total Sales

Proposed Meal Price

Projected Sales








Oct SY 18-19


Oct SY 18-19






 $      8,665.65


 $   9,373.05

Middle School



 $      7,829.25


 $   8,398.65

High School



 $      7,197.80


 $   7,694.20




 $    23,692.70


 $ 25,465.90

Weighted Average



 $             2.67


 $          2.87

Administrative Recommendation: 

Please approve the meal prices for the 2019-20 school year as follows:

Primary Schools: $2.65, Middle School: $2.95, High School: $3.10 (increase of $.20/lunch for all levels).

Attached Files:
NUTRITION SERVICE HIGHLIGHTS sy 18-19.pdf application/pdf 3M
NUTRITION SERVICE HIGHLIGHTS sy 18-19.pptx application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation 92M