Mon Jun 26 2017, 5:30pm
District Meeting Room
Regular Meeting


Lewis River Academy Report

To: Michael Green

From: Asha Riley

Date: June 22, 2017

Re: Lewis River Academy

At the close of this year, I end my tenure as principal of Lewis River Academy to focus on my other district responsibilities. I am genuinely proud of the program our team has developed including all the supports and services we offer our students and families. Working with and for the students of LRA has brought me great joy over the years. It’s not often one gets the gift of starting something new, LRA was such a gift. I thank you for the privilege of allowing me to start this school and serve it for the past 6 years. I look forward to transitioning the program into Jake Hall’s capable hands. I have complete confidence in his leadership and trust he will continue to develop the program to make it even better for our students!