Mon Jun 26 2017, 5:30pm
District Meeting Room
Regular Meeting


Woodland High School Report

To:    Michael Green

From:    John Shoup

Date:    6/19/17

Re:    June Review

Here is an overview of the key activities we worked on in relation to teaching and learning this month.

Monday’s: We used one of our Monday’s to discuss our school accreditation end report and put ourselves into school improvement goal areas in preparation for our time back together in August. We used the final two Monday’s for department collaboration and paper signing for clock hours.  We are pleased that we were able to offer 35 continuing education clock hours to our teaching staff for their work on Monday’s.

Other information: Graduation went well and we had our debrief meeting last week.  Our team really likes the indoor venue and find it to be very conducive for a nice intimate, warm and appropriate graduation ceremony.  The senior MVP breakfast, graduates parade, Baccalaureate, and the rest of the last week for seniors went well.  Thanks to our entire team who helped to make this a reality.  Our new teacher, Mrs. Novak was able to come by this month to visit our school and see her new classroom.  We are very excited to add her sign language class to our curriculum and we currently have over 90 students signed up for her classes.

State Testing: We did finish our state testing for Biology and math during the seniors last week and that also went very smooth.  We are still hopeful that our students that did not receive a diploma because of the science exam will have that requirement changed soon though.