Final iReady Results: Woodland Primary just completed summative assessments in both reading and mathematics. We are busy examining the data and will have more specific analysis completed in the upcoming weeks. Initially, it is apparent that WPS teachers made enormous progress in both subject areas. Many classes showed overall progress for the year that far exceeds one year of growth. This is essential if we are to bridge the gap children arrive at WPS with in terms of kindergarten readiness. There is significant success to celebrate, yet we will use our in-depth analysis to make very prescriptive decisions regarding our academic program next year.
Latino Parent Partnership Institute: A remarkable celebration took place on June 6th, as 25 parents graduated from a program WPS hosted with Washington State University-Vancouver this year. Parents learned how to partner with schools, how to advocate for their children, and became informed about American school systems. The graduation was an opportunity to engage with district leadership in conversation around questions they developed over prior weeks. The graduates earned a WSUV certificate and were also honored at our final WPS assembly, where our community guests spontaneously gave them a standing ovation. This was a very powerful moment for all in attendance. The impact on our Latino community has been significant, as there is a different level of empowerment in these past weeks. I can happily report that this program has made our connections stronger and extended a welcome that is making a real difference in our school community.
Celebration & Focus: These final weeks teachers have tried very hard to strike a good balance between keeping the focus on instruction and celebrating the year. Considering our concerns regarding student achievement, I have been steadfast in my expectation that we are teaching continuously until the last days of the year. There has been fun and excitement to be sure, but we did keep a relentless focus on academics that may have been unexpected for some community members. I am thrilled with the progress made over the last couple of weeks and am confident that this will result in better readiness when we return for the next school year. I am thankful for the unwavering dedication of the entire WPS staff.