WMS families, students and staff are putting on the finishing touches to a wonderfully successful 2016-17 school year! The following topics are explained in more detail below:
2016-17 State Assessments: DONE
We have finished up the final make-up state assessments last week. I want to thank the entire WMS staff for flexing their time to make sure every WMS student was set up for success on their state assessments. Often we utilized every computer on the campus as we had 100% of our student body taking the assessments. I also want to thank Angela Campbell for seeing us through, from start to finish, on all the guidelines, training, organization and administration of the enormous state assessment project at WMS.
Thank You!
I’ll always treasure my first job in my career as an educator. Woodland High School hired me to be a teacher for Resource Room Math and English. From that wonderful experience I grew in my professional goals and because a school administrator -- in West Valley, Yakima. With mixed emotions I left Woodland to start the next chapter in my career. I was assistant principal at WVHS for 7 years followed by 2 years as an elementary principal. And then, amazingly, after 9 years away I was able to come back home to Woodland to serve as your WMS principal.
It’s been two years of fun and exciting changes, new challenges and opportunities and has been a highlight of my career. I had fond memories of teaching at Woodland High School and now I will carry more memories of being Woodland Middle School principal into my next chapter. While I look forward to serving Woodland School District in a greater capacity, I will always treasure our work together creating the new WMS!
I’ve been all over the state in this career and I have family and friend connections to many schools and school districts. I can assure you that Woodland School District is premier in terms of a friendly community, hard-working students and families, and a tremendously talented staff. It has been a privilege to get to work in this role and I look forward to GREAT THINGS at WMS as we move forward together!
With nothing but love for Woodland, I sign off as your WMS principal. Thank you for everything you do for our students and staff!!