Mon Dec 19 2011, 6:15pm
District Meeting Room (45 minute Workshop at 6:15, Regular business at 7:00)
Regular Meeting


Second Reading and Approval of Policy Nos. 2030, 3210 & 5010: Dealing with nondiscrimination and Service Dogs

Policy 2030 is as presented in first reading.  the only change in 3210 and 5010 from first reading is the addition, in each, of the statement "as required by state and federal law"


Recommendation /MOTION/ I move we approve policies 2030, 3210, and 5010 as presented.

Attached Files:
2030 final 12-19-11.pdf application/pdf 89B
3210 final 12-19-11.pdf application/pdf 161B
5010 final 12-19-11.pdf application/pdf 167B