Woodland High School Report
To: Michael Green
From: John Shoup
CC: School Board members
Date: 12/9/2015
Re: November Review
Here is an overview of the key activities we worked on in relation to teaching and learning this month.
Monday’s: We had a very good month of professional development this month. From having the all district meeting on Nov. 9th to working on the teacher evaluation protocol, student intervention plans and department collaboration, we used each Monday differently! We did use one of the Mondays to discuss our currently thinking and planning around the 24 credit graduation requirement for our ninth grade students. We reviewed some pretty sobering “F” data in the process. As you know, we plan to build a system where students who have taken a course and failed it, will be able to challenge the course via assessments developed by our teachers.
Other information: The Drama department hosted the play, “Radium Girls.” It was very well done and Heather Gordon did an outstanding job as the director. We also conducted SBAC (Smarter Balance) testing for our juniors and seniors who have yet to meet state graduation standards. The testing went reasonably well and I appreciated the help of Mr. Clevenger and Mrs. Preston during the testing window, I also wanted to give a shout out to Ms. Cullison for her wonderful leadership with the Snow Flake Bazaar.
I also wanted to note Mrs. Shari Conditt is the first teacher in our district to receive her renewal on her National Board Certification this month and I could not be more pleased and proud of Shari for her efforts and the earning of this prestigious distinction.We also found out right at the end of the month that Ms. Jennifer Cullison was one of 10 educators in the country to receive the “Top 10 educator of the Year” award from the National Society of High School Scholars (NSHSS).
All is all it was a good productive month at Woodland High School.