October 26, 2015 5:30 p.m. Regular Meeting-District Meeting Room
Janice Watts, Jim Bays, Tina Cayton, Matt Donald, Steve Matson, Michael Green-Board Secretary and Vicky Barnes-Recording Secretary
Stacy Brown, Judy Whalen, Nick Massie, Steve Hallstrom, L. Lawley, Bandy Junik, Sheila Staines, Sarah Stuart
Three community members, L. Lawley, Brandy Junik and Sheila Staines, addressed the board with their concerns about the outdoor playground equipment at Woodland Intermediate School. A recent Walkathon raised money and on the first letter home from PTSA playground equipment was listed as a use for money raised. This line item was removed on the second letter home. Their frustration was in the transparency of timing of when it will be built.
President Janice Watts asked if they had talked to the principal and they said they had and he had been easy to communicate with in this situation. Superintendent Michael Green assured them that funds are allocated for the new equipment and said there had been an assumption on Principal Carney’s part that it was going to have to wait until next summer. That assumption has been corrected and the school is moving forward on shopping for the equipment.
The parents asked if communication could be improved so the staff was more aware of what was happening concerning the playground so they could communicate to parents more clearly.
Director Tina Cayton, moved to approve the October 12, 2015 regular meeting minutes.
Janice Watts - yes
Jim Bays - yes
Tina Cayton - yes
Matt Donald - yes
Steve Madsen - yes
Student Report
In her Student Representative Report Taylor Vossen reported seniors are currently ordering cap and gowns, which is a very exciting time for the class of 2016. She asked if the board had any questions they would like brought up at the ASB meeting tomorrow. The board said she could ask if there is anything other than the fruit cups they would like to have.
Director of Facilities and Safety Report
Concerning the Report by the Director of Facilities and Safety, Director Matt Donald asked about the lack of maintenance staff to do the work. Superintendent Michael Green said he meets every Tuesday with the Director of Facilities and Safety to evaluate the needs and resources to address those needs. It is expected that additional staffing support will be needed in maintenance and the Director is currently evaluating what skill sets will best fill the need. Mr. Green iterated that due to the nature of the amount of changes in the district there is a lot on the Director’s plate right now.
Director Tina Cayton asked a clarifying question about responsibility of repair for equipment and other things at the new WHS. Superintendent Michael Green answered if something is identified that was part of the original contract or a repair need arises that work is the responsibility of the general contractor. If there is a new need that is in addition to, or a change from the original contract then it is a district responsibility.
Superintendent Michael Green reminded the board that the Woodland Quality Community Coalition (WQCC) meeting is next week on November 4, 2015 at the Woodland High School Commons. Four (4) of the five (5) directors indicated they will be attending this quarterly meeting.
Director Matt Donald requested an update within the next 30-45 days regarding the procurement of the new playground equipment.
Director Jim Bays asked when a report on the remaining money from the bond would be available. Superintendent Michael Green said there are still key processes to complete before a report could be made available.
Director Steve Madsen asked about the use of facilities by the Lewis River Little League and if a $500.00 contribution was required. His question was related to the girl’s program who are wanting to use the facilities, what the process and required contribution would be for them. Superintendent Michael Green said he would check with the Athletic Director Paul Huddleston but that policy clearly defines the process for the use of facilities. The first priority is given to students after that, facilities are available they are open for use. He said since Lewis River League falls under a level 1 group if the facility was available there is no charge.
There was a first reading of revisions to Policy 3141, Policy 5202, Policy 5222, Policy 5231, Policy 5251 and Policy 5253.
Regarding Policy 5222 Tina Cayton asked clarifying questions on the cost to the district when an employee uses job sharing. The Business Manager Stacy Brown said there is very little extra cost since benefits, professional development funds and extra days are pro-rated.
Regarding Policy 3141 the board asked clarifying questions about continuing students who had a boundary exception the prior year and what procedure addresses overcrowding in the acceptance of boundary exceptions. Superintendent Michael Green said students who had been granted a boundary exception in prior years were grandfathered in and only excluded in case of behavior problems or overcrowding. He also explained boundary exceptions are not considered approved until the fourth day of a school year when student count is due to ensure there is space at the school.
Regarding Policy 5202 the board asked clarifying questions concerning how it addresses the use of marijuana in schools and the impact of bullet six (6) in requiring an employee to inform the district of being prescribed medical marijuana. Superintendent Michael Green said the policy deals specifically with School Bus Drivers whose licensure is governed by federal law and policy. Under federal law Marijuana is an illegal controlled substance and this notice provision does not apply. Drivers systems must be free of Marijuana under all circumstances. Bullet six (6) was to protect the HIPPA rights of the employee.
The board is scheduled to consider these revisions for approval at their next regular meeting.
KWRL Agreement Discussion - Director Jim Bays gave a brief overview of the history of the KWRL Agreement and requested the board approve moving forward and formally request mediation per section 10 of the cooperative agreement should Ridgefield’s board continue in their refusal to sign the revised joint agreement. He explained that Ridgefield had previously signed a resolution which included the revised language and had verbally agreed to approve the agreement. The board discussed other options and Director Steve Madsen asked if there was a way to modify the agreement to make it more agreeable to the Ridgefield board. Director Jim Bays said by the nature of a Coop all of the schools were bound to expenses and used the recent $600,000 investment of Woodland School District in Paradise Point that doesn’t directly benefit Woodland School District but a Coop project and shared expense. The board agreed Director Jim Bays could move ahead with mediation if needed.
WSSDA Annual Meeting – Superintendent asked for a final count of those attending the Washington State School Directors’ Association conference on November 19-22, 2015. President Janice Watts indicated she would be attending. Director Matt Donald expressed interest in finding out if there was a podcast option. Michael Green said he would check with the new incoming directors and make reservations.
Director Matt Donald moved to approve the consent agenda.
Steve Madsen – yes
Superintendent Michael Green explained the documents attached having to do with WHS Change Order #30. The first was the list of change orders proposed by Skanska with the highlighted reflecting rejected proposals. The second form shows the unit cost and bid allowances on Woodland High School. The last form was a final change order for a full settlement of change orders showing a credit of $163,979.00.
Director Tina Cayton moved to approve WHS Change Order #30.
President, Janice Watts, adjourned the meeting of the Board of Directors at 6:35 p.m. for a Closed Session Under RCW 42.30.140(4)(b).
_______________________________ Secretary to the Board
____________________________________ President
____________________________________ Director